Geophysical Asia


PT.Quest Geophysical Asia is a privately owned Domestic seismic and drilling company that is part of Jimmulya’s group. We’re specialize in 2D & 3D Land & Offshore Seismic Acquisition. We’re developing our business to construction pipeline, Onshore and Offshore Drilling. Our focus is to create value for our customers in the energy industry, including the renewable energy, worldwide.

Know Who We Are

About our company

PT.Quest Geophysical Asia is a privately owned Domestic seismic and drilling company that is part of Jimmulya’s group. We’re specialize in 2D & 3D Land & Offshore Seismic Acquisition. We’re developing our business to construction pipeline, Onshore and Offshore Drilling. Our focus is to create value for our customers in the energy industry, including the renewable energy, worldwide.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing team whose hard work and dedication made this award possible. Our clients/customers, whose trust and support inspire us to raise the bar each day, share in this celebration. This award is a reflection of the strong partnerships we’ve built and the incredible outcomes we’ve achieved together.

One of the Best Performer Seismic Company in Indonesia
in term of Project Completion, Quality ,Production and Safety.
(Client & SKK MIGAS comments)

The only company now can run and completed the Seismic Operation in Aceh Province
(The Hardest Non Technical Challenges area in Indonesia)

ISO 9001 & OHSAS 18001 certified.

Five (5) million No LTI (No Lost Time Injury) certification from Genting Oil l

Production record : The highest Production shot/day Land Seismic Operation
in Indonesia : 604 shots in Karya Inti Petroleum LIRIK II – October 7th, 2013.


Support Given

0 +

Clients Rating


Awards won


This presentation of Quest is being provided on a confidential basis for informational purpose only and may not be relied on in any manner such as legal, tax, investment, accounting or other advice. Statement contained in this presentation that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections and opinion of Quest. Such statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Certain information contained in this presentation constitutes forward-looking statements which based on Quest own expectation, estimates, projection and opinions. Nothing contain herein may be relied upon as a guarantee, promise or forecast or representation as to the future.

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